I do in depth briefings for companies and sector groups on the political environment. I have done these in the energy, banking, transport, education forestry and insurance industries.
These cover likely policy developments from the Government and opposition parties, analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the various political parties, which MPs are doing well, likely promotions in future and probable outcomes from the next election.
Recent briefings include an in person briefing to the board of one of Australasia’s largest companies.
I have done scores of speaking engagements including:
- Presentations on the political situation in NZ and overseas
- Analysis of polls and public opinion
- Political party dynamics – who are the best and worst performing MPs, opportunities and challenges for each party, likely policy directions
- Compering quiz nights
- Chairing debates and roasts
- MC duties
- After dinner speaker
My normal charge is $250 + GST per hour. This charge can be waived for charitable organisations.