I have been a regular commentator in the media on political and technology issues. I have appeared numerous times on television, radio and print. Engagements have included:
- Politics Panel on “Good Morning”, TV One
- Election night commentary, TV One
- Panelist for Leaders’ Debate, Sky News
- Panelist, Agenda, TV One
- Panelist, Q+A, TV One
- Panelist, The Nation, TV Three
- Commentator, Sky News Australia
- The Panel, RNZ National
- The Huddle, NewstalkZB
- Face Off, NewstalkZB
- Politics with Paul Homes, NewstalkZB
- Radio Live
- Radio Rhema
- bFM
- George FM
- Election night commentary, Radio New Zealand
- “Dispatch from Helengrad”, National Business Review
- “By the numbers”, Stuff
- “David Farrar on politics, NZ Herald
- Weekly column, iPredict
- Budget columns, Stuff