I enjoy interesting governance roles where I can add value by focusing on strategy and environment, robustly consider management proposals and act as a mentor to chief executives and senior managers.
I am a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors and have been a member since 2002.
If you have a governance role that you think I would be suitable for, feel free to contact me to discuss.
From 2010 to 2018 I was on the board of the .nz Domain Name Commission Ltd, and Chair for most of that time. DNCL sets policy for the .nz name space and regulated the market in the public interest. This involved sensitive consideration of competing views and interests.
In the most recent board self-evaluation, I was scored by the other directors as a six or higher out of seven on all functions (role, culture, meetings, performance, conformance, management, purpose, capability, and stakeholders).
From 2002 to 2010 I served as an inaugural director of NZRS Limited, a company which primarily operates the .nz registry. As a director I was critically involved in hiring the CEO(s), approving corporate policies, and ensuring the company was fit to take over the management of the .nz register of domain names – a system regarded as critical infrastructure by the New Zealand Government.
The previous registry company had a very controversial record, leading to the creation of NZRS to take over the running of the registry. NZRS routinely scored around 95% customer approval and met demanding service level obligations such as 99.9% uptime for registration services.
I have also held governance roles in non-profit organisations such as Scouting NZ, Internet NZ and the NZ National Party.
In my early involvement with InternetNZ I played a key role in reforming the .nz domain name registration system from an unresponsive monopoly to a system with scores of competitive registrars.
Some of my key governance skills are strategy, risk governance, financial oversight, and stakeholder relations.